Manfred Peckl
2008, Resin, fiberglass, wood, paper, UV-varnish, approx. 130 × 100 × 100 cm
2008, Resin, fiberglass, wood, paper, UV-varnish, approx. 90 × 70 × 80 cm
2008, Resin, fiberglass, wood, paper, UV-varnish, approx. 60 × 50 × 40 cm
Artist statement
"I found it so beautiful, especially in a church setting, to place world destruction as coming from heaven.
The Skyamonds, as the sculpture group is called (there are more) are, after all, artifacts of total destruction. Covered with the whole universe known to us, and several times, following the theory of parallel universes, a super-meltdown must have taken place, which let the antimatter together with the matter ever become a form, a lump. This, as a testimony of ex-existence has landed in our reality as an artifact of the end of the world. Atom, as the biggest force known to us, hematoma as linguistic modification in the result an injury.
Landed as asteroids, they harbor a new beginning in the catastrophe... this is how planets are created?"
– Manfred Peckl
„Ich fand das gerade im kirchlichen Rahmen so schön, die Weltzerstörung als vom Himmel kommend zu platzieren.
Die „Skyamonds“, wie die Skulpturengruppe heißt (es gibt noch mehr) sind ja Artefakte der totalen Zerstörung. Beklebt mit dem gesamten uns bekannten Universum, und zwar mehrmals, der Theorie der Paralleluniversen folgend, muß eine Superkernschmelze stattgefunden haben, die die Antimaterie mitsamt der Materie je zu einer Form, einem Brocken hat werden lassen. Dieser, als Zeugnis von Ex-Existenz ist gelandet in unserer Realität als Artefakt des Weltendes. Atom, als die größte uns bekannte Kraft, Hämatom als sprachliche Abwandlung im Ergebnis eine Verletzung.
Als Asteroiden gelandet, bergen sie in der Katastrophe einen Neubeginn… so entstehen Planeten?“
– Manfred Peckl
2019, Aquarelle, soil on paper, 32 × 26 cm
This delicate image, painted using the very soil the plant grows out of, depicts a weed common to all cities, and remarkable for its capacity to grow anywhere, no matter how adverse the conditions. So subtle it is often overlooked, this is, nevertheless, the resistance of nature against concrete.
The Austrian artist Manfred Peckl (*1968) lives and works in Berlin. From 1988-1990 he studied at the University of Art and Design in Linz, followed by the Städelschule in Frankfurt under Professor Raimer Jochims. The starting point for Peckl's works are maps and advertising posters from public space, which he cuts into even strips with a shredder and then sorts them according to color. In the summer term 2004 and winter term 2005 he had a teaching assignment for "New Forms of Painting" at the Academy of Fine Arts in Mainz. In 2017 Peckl was deputy professor for painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe.